FC 24 Coins has a lot of different modes for players to choose from; with a balance of single-player vs multiplayer game modes. The more hardcore FIFA players will more than likely play a mixture of all of the modes. but those with less time may need to be more choosy; a bit like when signing players on a tight budget in the Career Mode. In that case, players should aim to find modes that they enjoy more than others.

Updated on April 27. 2022. by Ritwik Mitra: FC 24 is another addition to a long line of soccer video games that are all the rage. Each annual release sells like gangbusters, which is enough to prove just how incredibly popular this series really is. People can't wait to check these games out every single time and get up-to-date with the major changes and minor tweaks made to each installment. With the sheer number of game modes present in FC 24. players are going to be pretty entertained indeed. Here are all the game modes in FC 24. ranked on the basis of how fun they are.

Each FIFA game generously features a Practice Arena where beginners can understand the controls of the game. Of course, the Practice Arena isn't gated in the slightest, and even well-seasoned players of FC 24 can check this arena out to brush up on their skills or master a new move. The Practice Arena lets players understand each and every facet of the game, from open-play sequences to set pieces. Given the sheer number of times the penalties or free kicks have changed in FIFA, players appreciate the opportunity to test out these new mechanics in the Practice Arena.

Exhibition Mode isn't necessarily bad; quite the opposite in fact - it's where the FIFA series started! As the series has grown over the years, Exhibition Mode has become a barebones, couch play mode. Well suited for players who don't normally have much time to play and want to fix their mistakes in FIFA to improve. The mode allows guests to set up profiles so that they can track their Win/ Loss ratio against the player. Any teams across any leagues can be selected, including the Soccer Aid and Classic XI teams.

Players who want to spice up a game with their friends can simulate an entire Champions League, with the finale being the stuff of legends. Playing with friends in this mode can be pretty legendary... although there are bound to be certain teams that cheap EAFC 24 Coins will be controlled by the AI due to the sheer depth of this competition. Of course, players can circumvent this by just playing a single clash within this setting instead, with the UEFA Champions League final being as grand a stage as any. It might be nothing more than a glorified exhibition, but it's still a pretty neat way to play against a friend regardless.