Have you ever encountered this issue? You aren't able to remove your Couple Rings Set or wedding band from your hand. This could occur to anyone. Any ring, equally for women and men may get stuck on your finger. There are a variety of causes: swelling of the hand weight gain, accumulation of fluids in the skin are just some of the factors that could cause the ring to become stuck in the hand. This last issue, referred to as edema, is caused by kidney problems or a high intake of salt.
Couples Braclets can be removed easily from the hands after purchase. However, over time, all of these aspects become apparent and the jewelry becomes more difficult to remove. It is likely that this issue was also present with the first wedding ring. Jewelry specialists but also curious individuals have tried a variety of methods to facilitate the removal of rings from the hands. The different methods are hindered, however, because it is difficult to put oneself in the shoes of someone else.
 What we can do is to offer some tips so that people know how they can react in these moments. Pointing fingers at the wrong person is not the best solution. This is why you should eliminate this option once and for all.
 It's easier than you think. Here are a few steps you can take to remove the ring off your finger.
 Raise your arm for a few seconds
 The first thing you need to do is to deflate your fingers. This is the most basic step and doesn't take much effort. Just raise your arms above your head and hold these in this way for a couple of minutes while your fingers point towards the upward direction.
 Hands in cold water
 Cold water is a great treatment and can help reduce edema. Put your hands into a bowl of cold water and wait for a few mins. Gradually, your fingers will recover.
 Apply hand cream
 This is the second step. After putting your hands up or in cold water, apply the cream to both your fingers as well as the ring. It can also be shower gel, soap or even a small amount of oil. Massage your finger gently, and then twist the ring lightly.
 Remove the ring by using a thread
 If none of the methods above work and your situation is more complicated, you could make use of a thread or ribbon. Wrap the thread tightly around your fingers, and when you get to the ring, you can insert the thread into the ring. Apply a few drops of cream onto the thread. To remove the thread from your hand then twist the rings around the thread and pull it. If you're confused how to do this, this video will teach you exactly how to do it.
 If none of the above methods have worked, you must consult a trusted doctor. If you stop blood clots, they can cause more serious problems in the future.
 The problem, which is caused by the ring becoming stuck on your finger, shouldn't stop you from wearing rings. It is normal for these issues to arise at times. But when they do happen it is more beneficial to take care of them before they become a problem.
 Check your ring size using this finger sizer to avoid these annoyances. This reduces the chance of your jewelry becoming stuck on your finger.