Prevent cross infection
Cross infection is one of the most common risks in medical procedures, especially during the use of injectable drugs. Due to the repeated use of syringes or incomplete disinfection, it is easy to lead to the spread of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens between patients, causing serious infections. The use of sterile syringe filters can effectively prevent this from happening. Through the filtration action of the filter, the pathogen is intercepted on the filter, thus avoiding the pathogen entering the patient's body and reducing the risk of cross-infection.
Ensure patient safety
In addition to preventing cross-infection, sterile syringe filters also ensure patient safety when using injectable drugs. Because the filter is able to filter out the small particles and impurities in the liquid, it can avoid these substances entering the patient's body and reduce adverse reactions to the patient. Especially in some high-risk medical operations, such as heart surgery, tumor chemotherapy, the use of sterile syringe filter is particularly important.
Improve medical quality
The use of sterile syringe filters can not only reduce the risk of cross infection, but also improve the quality of medical care. Because the filter can filter out small particles and impurities in the liquid, in some treatments with high drug purity requirements, such as cell therapy, gene therapy, etc., the use of the filter can ensure both the purity and efficacy of the drug, thereby improving the therapeutic effect.