Pragya has a strong presence on social media, with 1.1 million followers on Instagram. Pragya Nagra made her debut in Telugu cinema with the film Laggam. The movie also features Sai Ronak, Rajendra Prasad, Rohini, Vadlamani Srinivas, Raghu Babu, LB Sriram, Saptagiri, Krishnudu, and Raccha Ravi. Pragya Nagra, a popular Malayalam actress, has landed in a controversy after an alleged leaked private video of her in a compromising position has gone viral on social media platforms. It remains South Indian actress and popular social media influencer Pragya Nagra has recently found herself at the center of a controversy after an alleged private video was leaked online. The purported MMS clip, which is said to show the actress in a compromising situation, has gone viral across various social media platforms. Later, Oviya revealed that she had filed a complaint against her ex-boyfriend in Kerala, in response to netizens' questions. In fact, deepfake videos of several popular actresses, including Rashmika Mandanna, Samantha, and others, have been going viral on social media, and now Pragya Nagra's video is trending with the hashtag associated with Pragya Nagra Viral Video. Multiple sources report view counts soaring into the millions, showcasing the video's extensive reach. Social media platforms, particularly Twitter and YouTube, are overflowing with discussions and reactions, further amplifying the actress's visibility. Impact on Pragya Nagra's Career For the unversed, Pragya Nagra is a renowned star in South India. She enjoys a massive following on social media. You will be amazed to know that she has more than 10 lakh followers on Instagram. Pragya Nagra's videos and images on the popular photo-sharing platform garner immense love from fans in the form of likes and comments. Pragya Nagra Private Video Leaked : Pragya Nagra, a rising South Indian actress, is embroiled in controversy after an alleged private video was leaked online. Learn more about her career and the
privacy concerns surrounding the incident. à´¸àµยà´µà´ยാരàµยà´¯ à´µàµยà´¡à´¿à´¯àµย à´¸àµยà´·àµยയൽ à´®àµยഡിയയിൽ à´ยàµยർനàµยനതിനàµย à´¤àµยà´ยർനàµยà´¨àµย 1M Followers, 1,820 Following, 579 Posts - Pragya Nagra (@pragyanagra) on Instagram: "Just Smile & Wave ਸਤਿਨਾਮ ਸ਼à©ยਰà©ย ਵਾਹਿà¨ยà©ยਰà©ยçµย à©´ Nanak Naam Chardi Kala, Tere Bhane Sarbat Da Bhala " The actress has strong social media presence, with 1.1 million followers on her official Instagram handle. In 2022, Pragya made her debut in the Tamil movie Varalaru Mukkiyam, where she played the Pragya Nagra is an Indian actress well-known for her roles in Tamil and Malayalam movies. In 2022, she made her acting debut in the Tamil film Varalaru Mukkiyam and the Malayalam film Nadikalil Sundari Yamuna in 2023. She worked as a model and made appearances in advertisements prior to beginning her acting career.